Saturday 23 October 2010

Joe McBain three miler

Well, I still don't know who the heck this fella is, but I have sent a few emails enquiring so if I get any helpful replies, I'll let you know. In the meantime he is a good bloke to run to and fro for a three mile outing!

This one was the first run with my new GT 2150's and crikey, what a difference. I was very aware of the new shoes from start to finish, not sure yet if that is a good thing or bad, but time will tell I'm sure. My initial thoughts were that they certainly are more supportive than the 1140's. Feel as if they sit higher around the ankle and the heel, although I know they have lowered the heel on this model. They felt cushioned without feeling too spongy, and offered plenty of arch support.

My ankle that I hurt two weeks ago was definitely aware that I had a change of shoe - every impact with the ground I could feel it here, but it felt like a corrective twinge rather than a damaging one, if you know how I mean. It wasn't painful, just making it's presence known really. I imagine this is simply down to the control the new shoes offer, whereas I was probably over pronating in the old ones.

Didn't need the head torch or any reflective gear today as the new shoes were enough to dazzle the man in the moon.

Oh, and it was daylight anyway :)

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